FORMAT of our Learning Programs



A curriculum of learning programs will be generated by the 1EARTH INSTITUTE™ with cross-cultural competency core programs and modules specific to culture, sustainability topics, and practical solutions.

The first program is ready for e-learning formatting;

The majority of modules will be available to the public via e-learning and webinars, others will be adapted to corporate learning programs;

A percentage of the core modules will fulfil the educational requirements to be licensed out to universities and other learning institutes;

We will train the trainers.

Our Global Customers

Our learning programs will be available for

Public –  to bring the tools and understanding for grass-roots evolutionary leaps and to work with our next generations;

Corporates & Investment Industry – to increase cross-cultural competencies in corporate  leadership training;

Professionals & Experts  – to integrate traditional knowledge and specialty knowledge;

Universities & other knowledge centres – to interchange and aggregate relevant information.


Immersion Learning

* UNCLE ROD HANDSEffective learning is not achieved by e-learning and thinking alone. Through sequential intensification from e-learning to face to face programs, 1EARTH INSTITUTE™ will set up a continuum of experiential learning to promote deep assimilation and learning. 

These will take the form of culture or theme specific seminars  and topical workshops. Without going into details, here are two examples:

  • Indigenous community renewable energy,
  • the integration of traditional medicines and healing into alternative health methodologies….

The next level is to escalate the learning into deep immersion programs by going into the field and ‘on country’ with a sustainability specialist and/or an Indigenous Elder. 

Here is our next Dialogue Circle VOICE OF THE EARTH in Santa Fe on 28/29 October 2017 led by two outstanding leaders, one Indigenous Elder and Mamo, Calixto Suarez, and Glenn A. Parry PhD,  author of the seminal book on dialogue circles. 

Aggregation & Collaboration

The 1EARTH INSTITUTE™ platform will serve as an umbrella for the aggregation and dissemination of relevant cross-cultural knowledge from other sources; 

Over time, we will create an information hub of cross-cultural knowledge, so that it is aggregated in an intelligent, easily accessible and available format;

We will not re-create information that is already available through other sources. These will be credited and supported respectfully through referencing and in a collaborative way;

Where we are offered to license programs from other sources include in our curriculum, our team will vet these external programs for quality, intention, and whether they are in line with the 1EARTH INSTITUTE principles and values.

No one has all the pieces of a puzzle, but together we do.


The Journey has already begun:

We established the Aboriginal Dreamtime Learning Series in Sydney, Australia. Throughout 2015, Indigenous Elders taught bi-monthly face-to-face seminars and workshops. 

This Series has a strong database and served as a pilot for 1EARTH INSTITUTE™.


Space and Country